Exploring Careers

Use the following links to find out about the World of Work and see what jobs you might be interested in.

A-Z of Job Descriptions


Career resources for students and parents

The resources below can help students and their parents to start thinking about careers. They cover topics such as choosing a career and different routes into the world of work, as well as providing detailed information on specific careers. They can also help students make decisions about the next steps in their education, such as A level or degree subject choices, whether or not they’ve decided on a career.

A levels, Scottish Highers and the International Baccalaureate

Choosing subjects for A level, Scottish Highers or the International Baccalaureate that leave career doors open

Read up on how to select subjects that leave doors open to careers or degree subjects you might want to pursue – even if you’re not yet sure what you want to do in the future. https://targetcareers.co.uk/careers-advice/a-level-choices/315491-what-a-level-subjects-should-i-take

University study

Degree subject guides

Find out what it’s like to study different subjects at university, their typical entry requirements, whether they would suit you and what careers they might lead to. https://targetcareers.co.uk/uni/degree-subject-guides

Choices about university

Get advice on choosing what and where to study for your degree, including how to make choices that are good for your future career. https://targetcareers.co.uk/uni/choices-about-uni

Applying for university

Discover how to write a strong UCAS statement, perform well at university interviews or succeed in the Clearing process. https://targetcareers.co.uk/uni/applying-for-uni

Apprenticeships and sponsored degrees

Alternatives to traditional university study

Get an overview of choices at 18 that combine earning and learning, including apprenticeships of different levels, sponsored degrees and similar programmes. https://targetcareers.co.uk/careers-advice/work-v-uni/20-what-are-school-leaver-programmes-apprenticeships-and-sponsored-degrees

Choosing between work and university

Get help weighing up whether traditional university study or taking an apprenticeship, sponsored degree or similar would be the best choice for you. https://targetcareers.co.uk/careers-advice/work-v-uni

Career choices

Choosing your career

Start here if you don’t yet have specific careers in mind and want help generating ideas. https://targetcareers.co.uk/careers-advice/choosing-your-career

Types of career

Get detailed information on 12 key career areas, including what they involve, the different jobs available, how much they pay, how to get into them and whether they would suit you. https://targetcareers.co.uk/career-sectors


Information taken from https://targetcareers.co.uk/parents-and-teachers/385955-create-a-careers-webpage-on-your-school-website with permission

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