About us

Welcome to Greenbank

Greenbank School is a maintained, special secondary school (aged 11-18 years) with a residential provision.

Greenbank is registered with the Department of Education as a school for pupils with Autistic Spectrum Condition, Moderate Learning Difficulties and associated social and communication difficultes.  Greenbank is situated on a large educational campus in Hartford on the outskirts of Northwich, Cheshire which we share with 2 secondary schools, 2 primary schools and another special school.

Greenbank has a Pupil Admission Number of 119 pupils with a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Condition supported by an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP).


Pupils are referred to the school by the Local Authority SEN Assessment and Monitoring Team – Cheshire West and Chester Council [CWAC], who aim to ensure that :

  • Statutory Assessments under the 1996 and 2001 Education Acts are carried out within timescales laid out by the Department of Education, Code of Practice.
  • The contact address is – SEN Assessment, Monitoring and Support Team, Council Offices, 2nd Floor, Civic Way, Ellesmere Port. CH65 OBE. Tel : 0151 337 6432
  • The Local Authority makes a referral to Greenbank, this is based on an assessment of each pupil’s special educational needs and takes into consideration the views of the pupil and parents
  • When everyone is in agreement that Greenbank is the right choice of school for the child, a placement will be confirmed by the Local Authority.
  • Greenbank will begin to put in place a school transition plan, with visits to the child’s current school and we will also invite the child and parents to visit Greenbank.
  • In July each year, we have an Open Evening for new pupils and parents.

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‘Our School Day'

The school doors open to welcome pupils at 8:40am. Morning registration is open from 8:50-9:20am. The school day is split into 4 lessons, with a morning break (15 minutes) and lunch break (30 minutes in the dining hall, 30 minute break on the yard) after lesson 2. KS3 have a separate break and lunch pattern to KS4 and 5. There are 2 lessons in the afternoon (I hour in length). Pupils are dismissed from school between 2:50- 3:10 in order for them to access taxis to take them home.  A minority of pupils are transported by their families / carers. Start and end of day site traffic is very heavy as we share a campus with 2 other schools. School closes for the day at 3:15pm. A small group of pupils (Yr8-11) access our residential provision one night each week. The school day for pupils last for 6 hours 20 minutes (31 hours 40 minutes per week).

Greenbank School, Greenbank Ln, Hartford, Northwich CW8 1LD

Tel: 01606 663820 | Email: