School uniform

Greenbank School students are expected to wear the school uniform listed below. High standards of dress are required at all times, reinforcing the standards of appearance and behaviour that are needed to meet and maintain high expectations.

  • grey or black trousers / Skirt (Short trousers are an option during periods of warm weather)
  • white shirt (long or short sleeve) worn with a tie (optional) or white polo shirt
  • ties may be purchased at intake evenings
  • ‘V’ necked plain navy blue jumper or round neck plain navy blue sweatshirt (no branded logos or transfers)
  • sensible black shoes and suitable outdoor coat for winter


  • white ‘T’ shirt
  • black shorts
  • trainers
  • dark coloured tracksuits may be worn in winter
  • swim suit and towel for pool activities

NOTE school does not have a branded or logo based uniform. Parents are able to buy all uniform items (apart from the school tie) from local high street retailers or on-line.


Sixth Form Students

  • Black trousers/skirts
  • White shirt worn with a tie or, white polo shirt(Ties can be purchased through the School Office)
  • ‘V’ necked plain black jumper and/or a black blazer
  • Sensible black shoes and suitable outdoor coat for winter
  • Sixth Form Hoodie for Sports for Life, Work Experience, College Links Courses and educational field trips
  • Leisure wear for Sports for Life activities
  • PPE clothing for Work Experience and College Links Courses

School ties cost £6 and are available from the school office.

If you have any good quality, unwanted uniform items that you would like to donate, we would be happy to take them off you to re-sell for a small donation.

Jewellery, Decoration and Other items (Optional)

  • A single necklace or bracelet for religious reasons.
  • Hats: Only to be worn outside the buildings during breaks and trips.
  • Hair accessories, such as slides, ribbons, bobble, etc., should be simple and, if possible, in school colours.
  • Earrings: Small plain studs, matching pair or single.
  • Belts: Plain black, plain buckle (no oversized buckles).
  • Make-up: To be modest and discreet (no lipstick, false eyelashes, acrylic nails).
  • No body jewellery, hair dyes, coloured hair extensions, tattoos, visible undergarments.

Greenbank School, Greenbank Ln, Hartford, Northwich CW8 1LD

Tel: 01606 663820 | Email: [email protected]