The Governing Board

Chair of Governors - Phillip Hopwood

Category of Governor: Co-opted

Appointing Body: Greenbank School Governing Body

Term of Office: 4 years (22.03.23 - 22.03.27) 


Headteacher - Mike McCann

Category of Governor: Ex officio (Staff Governor)

Appointing Body: Greenbank School Governing Body

Term of Office: Whilst in post at Greenbank School


Joanne McManus

Category of Governor: Staff Governor

Appointing Body: Employees of Greenbank School

Term of Office: 4 years (19.06.23 - 19.06.27)


Joanne Birdsall

Category of Governor: Co-opted

Appointing Body: Greenbank School Governing Body

Term of Office: 4 years (20.03.23 - 20.03.27)


Alison Bettany

Category of Governor: LA Governor

Appointing Body: Greenbank School Governing Body

Term of Office: 4 years  (26.11.21 to 26.11.25)


Lorna Coy

Category of Governor: Parent Governor

Appointing Body: Appointed by Governing Body due to no election

Term of Office: 4 years  (18.01.2022- 18.01.2026)



Category of Governor: Parent Governor

Appointing Body: Appointed by Governing Body due to no election

Term of Office: 4 years 


Michelle England

Category of Governor: Parent Governor

Appointing Body: Appointed by Governing Body due to no election

Term of Office: 4 years (19.06.23 - 19.06.27)


Steven Jones

Category of Governor: Co-opted

Appointing Body: Appointed by the Governing Body

Term of Office: 4 years (27.11.2024 - 27.11.28)


Please see the attached table which details Governors committees and additional Governor responsibilities.

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Greenbank School, Greenbank Ln, Hartford, Northwich CW8 1LD

Tel: 01606 663820 | Email: [email protected]