CEIAG (Careers)

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance


The CEIAG Team

At Greenbank School, we have a whole School approach to careers with all staff supporting the delivery of CEIAG within all curriculum areas, at residential and also through the pastoral system. In addition, we have a designated CEIAG team who co-ordinate and monitor the delivery of the School's Careers Plan:

  • Mr James Power (Deputy Head - Upper School / Careers Lead) ([email protected] 01606 663820)
  • Mrs Jodie Johnson (Work Experience Coordinator / Employer Engagement)
  • Mr Stefan Yarwood (Employability Coordinator / Enterprise Coordinator)
  • Anthea Jackson (Work Experience Coordinator / Employer Engagement)
  • Eloise Dalton (Work Experience Coordinator / Employer Engagement)
  • Alison Bettany (Careers Governor)

Skills Builder

We are delighted to share that we have achieved a Skills Builder Award.  This is a significant achievement for school !

Skills Builder Silver Award 2022-25 (1).png

Gatsby Benchmark

We are pleased to announce that we are working towards the Gatsby Benchmark as is the expectation from the Department for Education, the Local Authority and also ourselves as a school.

The eight Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance

1. A stable careers programme
2. Learning from career and labour market information
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
5. Encounters with employers and employees
6. Experiences of workplaces
7. Encounters with further and higher education
8. Personal guidance


Gatsby      The Gatsby Benchmark - Good Career Guidance Handbook

For further information, please see CEIAG Team Roles and Responsibilities.  

To contact the CEIAG team please email the main email address [email protected]


How the school measures and assesses the careers programme’s impact on pupils.

The school measures the careers interactions using Compass+ .


The careers programme is designed to meet the needs of all students.  It is differentiated and personalised to ensure progression through activities that are appropriate to pupils’ stages of career learning, planning and development.

  1. Supporting them to achieve their full potential and raise aspirations
  2. Enabling them to plan and manage their own futures by developing decision making skills with regard to interests, subjects and jobs
  3. Providing them with comprehensive information on all options available to them
  4. Supporting inclusion by promoting equality, diversity, social mobility and challenge stereotypes
  5. Promoting participation in learning through positive and regular experiences
  6. Providing them with opportunities to develop an awareness of the “World of Work” through regular and meaningful encounters with employers
  7. We endeavour to ensure, through a balanced and broad curriculum that pupils are ready for the next stage of education, employment or training


Ofsted Report 2017 -

'Another line of enquiry for the insepction was the quality of careers guidance.  The vast majority of pupils who attend the school also attend the school's post-16 provision.  Students value the step-change in responsibilty they experience in key stage 5 and how well they are prepared for their futures.  They are offered a comprhensive range of careers guidance and opportunities  for work experience and 'tasters' based on each individual need.  Staff work hard to ensure that all students are supported according to their precise needs to maximise the success of their next step into adult life.  The wide range of destinations that students go on to are testament to the thoughful consideration of staff when making sure that placements are just right for the students'.

Greenbank School, Greenbank Ln, Hartford, Northwich CW8 1LD

Tel: 01606 663820 | Email: [email protected]