Behaviour Policy
Under your strong leadership and high expectations the school has continued to go from strength to strength. You are ably assisted by your assured, enthusiastic leadership team. Everyone in school lives up to your school motto, ‘learning and succeeding together’.
The overwhelming majority of parents who spoke to inspectors, or responded to Parent View, Ofsted’s online questionnaire, are extremely positive about the school and would recommend it to others without hesitation. All parents spoken to said that their children are ‘happy and settled’. Many described the school as ‘amazing’ and said how they ‘can’t describe the difference it’s made’, that it is ‘remarkable’ and ‘unparalleled’. They also say staff are ‘approachable and caring’ and ‘go the extra mile’ to meet their child’s needs.
Ofsted Report 2017
At Greenbank we use the BILD Positive Behaviour Support principles to manage behaviour. This approach is adopted by the Cheshire Special Schools Consortium as a best practice model to ensure that we have an understanding of each student in order to best meet their individual needs, and support our students in developing skills that will support them throughout their lives.
PBS is a framework containing many elements of good practice, including upholding human rights, trauma informed approaches, inclusive communication, building rapport, sensory issues, behavioural science and more. It helps us understand how to best support someone and improve the quality of their life.
According the Care Quality Commission ‘Positive behaviour support (PBS) is ‘a person centred framework for providing long-term support to people with a learning disability, and/or autism, including those with mental health conditions, who have, or may be at risk of developing, behaviours that challenge. It is a blend of person centred values and behavioural science and uses evidence to inform decision-making…. Behaviour that challenges usually happens for a reason and maybe the person's only way of communicating an unmet need. PBS helps us understand the reason for the behaviour so we can better meet people's needs, enhance their quality of life and reduce the likelihood that the behaviour will happen.
The Behaviour Policy and the Anti Bullying Policy are available for review and download on the below links.