Online Safety

With all the advances in technology and the sheer volume of images, content and live streaming that our children can access at just a click, it can sometimes feel overwhelming to know where to start to keep our children safe.  For example, did you know that apps such as Tik Tok, byte and Snapchat etc., should not be accessed by children under the age of 13, and that children aged 13-17 should have parental permission to have it on their phone? Just as you would monitor the rating of a film, or Xbox or PS4 game, the same rules should be applied to the apps that your child is accessing.

Keeping safe online is of paramount importance to us as a school and I wanted to share some useful sites that can support you as families.  Please click onto the various links below that I hope you will find useful.

Remember, the best way to keep your child safe online is to ensure you have open conversations together, starting with the rules that you as the adult feel comfortable with.  The next step is to ensure that your child knows that they must share anything that causes them upset or worry.  Both of these topics can be found in the links below in the parents / carers section.

Parents / Carers Information

   Government Press Release: Coronavirus (COVID-19) - staying safe online

Overview of all topics for adults caring for their children - Click Here Overview of Safe Remote Learning - Click Here
Parents Guide to Technology, how to keep your child safe when using Smartphones, Gaming Devices, Smart TV's and Tablets - Click Here How to have a conversation with your child about online safety - Click Here
Page full of resources and further links to ensure that you and your child understand what the rules are, and guides on how you can set them, such as screen time and dealing with friend requests - Click Here Social Media Guides, clear advice on the safety features available on the majority of social media apps such as Tik Tok, Instagram and Snapchat to help make these apps safer - Click Here
Get Safe Online - Site offers advice about avoiding online crime - Click Here Internet Matters - not-for-profit organisation working with online safety experts - Click Here
NSPCC Net Aware - Fantastic resource, well desgined, easy to navigate site that gives parents up-to-date information about social networking sites - Click Here Parent Info is a collaboration between CEOP and Parent Zone which covers a wide range of topics including children's wellbeing - Click Here
Vodafone Digital Parenting will help you set up parent controls - Click Here Thin U Know Website is ran by CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) - Click Here
Childnet - Advice on the parent/carer page - Click Here The Parent Zone covers esafety topics - Click Here



You can use your computer, mobile phone or tablet for lots of fun things and to connect with people from all over the world.

The websites below give you advice to make sure you stay safe on the internet. You may have visited some of them in school with your teacher.

Remember!  If you are worried about anything you see online, or people are asking you questions about where you live or saying nasty things to you, please speak to your parents or an adult you trust. You can also follow the links below for help and advice.



  • Always ask a grown up before you use the internet. They can help you find the best thing to do.
  • Don’t tell strangers where you live, your phone number or where you go to school. Only your friends and family need to know that.
  • Don’t send pictures to people you don’t know. You don’t want strangers looking at photos of you, your friends or your family.
  • Tell a grown up if you feel scared or unhappy about anything.
  • Remember! People you have only talked to on the internet are strangers, even though they may sometimes feel like friends. You should never arrange to meet with someone you have met on the internet without checking with your parents first as it could be dangerous.
  • Sometimes people can use the internet and mobile phones to bully people and make them feel bad. This can be very difficult to deal with as it can feel like you can’t get away from it. If people are saying things that worry you or make you feel upset, tell an adult you trust. They will know what to do and how to get help. The Childline website also contains helpful information about cyberbullying and ways to help stop it.
Think U Know - Click Here Childline - Phone them if you need help, advice or support on 0800 1111
Be Internet Legends online game - Click Here ChildNet - Click Here



Greenbank School, Greenbank Ln, Hartford, Northwich CW8 1LD

Tel: 01606 663820 | Email: [email protected]